Emissions Data
Emissions from the Durham York Energy Centre (DYEC) are recorded by the continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS). Emissions data is also collected during source (stack) tests.
Continuous emissions data on this web page is collected by the facility’s Digital Control System (DCS) and automatically posted as close to real time as possible for information purposes. Data has not undergone final verification or complete quality control and quality assurance procedure; therefore, this data should not be used in published documents. Final verification and quality control procedures are undertaken on regular basis and are stored on the DCS master log for regulatory purposes.
N/A - Not applicable, no ECA limit associated with the parameter
% - Per cent
> - Greater than
< - Less than
mg/Rm3 - Milligrams per reference metre cubed
avg - Average
Min. - Minimum
°C - Celsius
IDA - Insufficient data available
CAL - Analyzer in calibration test
ERR - Calibration error